Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Hair and Office Sequins

Ta dah! Check it out, I have new, all natural hair.

Last spotted in 1998 and a two-year work in progress, it's my all natural hair color. I was more than a bit shocked when I discovered just how dark my hair really is and to be honest I wasn't all that pleased. But it's been a few weeks now (I'm quite the delayed blogger) and it's really starting to grow on me. The cut was inspired by a curly haired Maggie Gyllenhaal and while not quite as dramatic as I was hoping for it did re-dedicate myself to my stylist who I was thinking about breaking up with after a very long relationship.

You like?

I've also got on a very cute, new to me dress. I picked this up on my trip to Portland this past fall on Hawthorne Boulevard in the Southeast. Portland was glorious and I can't believe I never told y'all about it. When I finally wear the dress I got from Fat Fancy I'll give you an update.

It's just a simple black sweater dress that has the most AMAZING 80's shoulder pads and sequins. It's a continuation of my desire to bring sequins to the office, not just the weekend. I've paired my sequined sweater dress with some Duo boots and a headband from a Brooklyn street fair.

Photo credit to my beloved Ateqah.



    Love the hair, too, you look gorgeous all round :) xxx

  2. Sequins! Woot!! I need more sequins in my life. They're so hard to find here, unless they're kind of daggy mother-of-the-bride type things. Blech.

    Your hair looks cute natural, and I like the length you've got it now.

  3. Great hair style! I am trying to wear my hair more curly, too.

    And I have never died it, but if I start to see too many more grey hairs, I just might.


  4. Your hair looks cute and the outfit is great too! Love that you are able to keep sequins in your work attire! I'm your newest follower :)

  5. Thank you all for your kind words. It took me awhile to decide whether or not I truly loved my new do so your support helps. In case you're wondering I'm finally in the love camp!
